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Dependencies and Classpath in MPS

This page describes the meaning and effect of different types of dependencies within MPS, including the impact on the applicable Java classpath. It describes both the expected state and all bugs deviating from the expectations.


The module pool has all content known to MPS. The modules pool is filled from modules in the current project and all non-project sources. MPS, in general, cares about dependencies between modules. The dependencies on models only further constrain the dependencies of the modules. Two main types of relations exist: You need dependencies for any reference to something in another module. You need Used Languages to use something defined in a language. We refer to relations if we address both types. Other types of dependencies on modules include: Java stubs (in combination with Java libraries), Java source stubs (in combination with Java source paths), runtime solutions and accessory models (only available for languages), and languages engaged on generation. Build models abstract Ant files to build and package modules and IDEA plugins. They contain a copy of the relations defined in the modules and dependencies to other build models and IDEA plugins.

MPS Plugins

MPS Plugins are automatically loaded according to the solution kind set in Java module settings. MPS Plugins need to be contained in MPS plugin models.


We need to add a StandalonePluginDescriptor (defined in the language jetbrains.mps.lang.plugin.standalone) as a root node if an MPS plugin model uses any concept from the language jetbrains.mps.lang.plugin. Other concepts from the language jetbrains.mps.lang.plugin.standalone don't need a StandalonePluginDescriptor.

Plugin Disambiguation

The term "plugin" is used at various places throughout MPS. It describes different things:

  • IDEA plugins: a packaged set of contributions to the IntelliJ IDEA platform, which MPS is based upon
  • MPS plugins: automatically loaded models
  • plugin language aspect: model inside a language defining extension points
  • build model plugins: part of the build model language providing new entries for build models.

Non-Project Sources

Non-project sources are

  • global libraries
  • IDEA plugins
  • project libraries
  • common and Java module settings regarding Java classes and Java source files
  • IDEA plugins referenced by a module

These directories or JAR files are recursively scanned for .mpl (languages), .msd (solutions), and .devkit (devkit) files. If found, the corresponding content is added to the modules pool.

Java Classpath Versus Relations

The various settings on models and modules specify both the Java classpath and a model's relations. However, these settings affect classpath and relations differently. As a rule of thumb, the classpath has all Java classes reachable through any relation. The classpath is populated generously.

On the contrary, the relations are populated reluctantly. For example, they need to be specified explicitly. The dependency relations on modules and models are completely separated from the used language relations on modules and models. Thus, no dependency requires a Used Language or vice versa.

Used Languages

No implicitly Used Languages are available except described for generators. Specifically, if LanguageB has an Extends Scope dependency on LanguageA and ModuleC uses LanguageB, LanguageA isn't a Used Language within ModuleC.

You must add LanguageA (containing ConceptA) to ModuleB's and contained ModelB's used languages if and only if

  • ModelB instantiates ConceptA within the IDE.
  • ModelB executes intentions from LanguageA.
  • ModelB requires type checks from LanguageA.
  • ModelB uses editors from LanguageA by selecting an editor hint, but not if LanguageA only defines the editor hint.
  • ModuleB is a generator and outputs instance of ConceptA.

Executed Generators

GeneratorA contained in LanguageA (containing ConceptA) will be executed for ModelS (contained in ModuleS) if and only if

  • ModelS uses LanguageA and contains an instance of ConceptA.
  • ModelS lists LanguageA in Languages engaged on generation.
  • The preceding conditions match LanguageB containing GeneratorB extending GeneratorA.

For discussion, we establish a continued scenario:

The Relations listed here are not complete to reduce clutter. The complete example ⧉ is available.


SolutionBase doesn't change during generation, as LanguageBase doesn't define any generators.


SolutionBaseGen doesn't change during generation either, as it doesn't contain any instances from LanguageBaseGen, thus removing LanguageBaseGen from the list of applicable generators, ending up with no generators.


SolutionBaseGen2 ends up with a transformed NodeBase, as Languages engaged in generation are never removed.


SolutionBaseGenExtends ends up with an unchanged NodeBase, but a transformed NodeBase2. GeneratorBaseExtends gets executed because LanguageBaseGenExtends is listed in Languages engaged in generation. However, the Dependencies of the Language aren't considered for selecting the running Generators.


In SolutionBaseGenExtends2, both NodeBase and NodeBase2 will be transformed, as LanguageBaseGenExtends2 is listed in Languages engaged in generation and GeneratorBaseExtends2 extends GeneratorBase.


Only NodeExtendsGen will be transformed in SolutionExtendsGen, as the only active Generator is GeneratorExtendsGen. The reason is that we found an instance of ConceptExtendsGen contained in the same language as the generator. The generator doesn't extend any other applicable Generator.


All nodes within SolutionExtendsGen2 get transformed, as an instance of ConceptExtendsGen2 was found, and the generator GeneratorExtendsGen2 contained in the same language extends GeneratorBase.

Generated Relations

Relations on the output model are defined only by the contents of the output model that was created by the generator. Thus,

  • all languages providing the concepts of generated instances are listed in Used Languages
  • all models referenced from the output model are listed in the dependencies

Extra relations on anything else (source module, source model, dependencies of the source model, languages used in the source model, dependencies of applied generators, languages used in applied Generators) are not added to the output model. Implicit dependencies apply as described.


Tests are regular or extended JUnit ⧉ tests that can be executed within MPS or standalone.

Test models contain tests defined by the @tests stereotype.

The Stereotype enables

  • the Run Tests entry in the solution and test model context menu.
  • Build language test instructions to search the model for tests.

As soon as you use any concepts from language jetbrains.mps.lang.test, you need to have a TestInfo root node in the same model. The TestInfo node needs to refer to a project to be used to execute the tests. This reference may not use a ${module}, ${language_descriptor}, ${solution_descriptor}, or ${project} builtin path variables. It needs to refer to a project containing the test.
