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This section lists all relations required for a specific task.

If not specified otherwise, you should add all dependencies.

  • If no dependency exists: with default scope and no export flag.
  • If a dependency (no matter which scope and export flag) exists: no change

The IDE often creates the required relations on the module level automatically if we add a relation on the model level. However, this doesn't always work, so double-check if the module level relation was correctly created if errors exist.

Use a Java Type

ClassB inside ModelB inside ModuleB wants to create a variable of type ClassA inside ModelA inside ModuleA.

  • To ModelB, add a dependency to ModelA.
    Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from ModuleB to ModuleA.

Reuse (AKA Extend, Reference) An External Java Type

ClassB inside ModelB inside ModuleB extends ClassA inside ModelA inside ModuleA. ClassC inside ModelC inside ModuleC wants to use ClassB as simply as possible.

  • To ModuleB, add the export flag to the dependency on ModuleA.
  • To ModelC, add a dependency to ModelB.
    Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from ModuleC to ModuleB.

Remark: not sure if we should add the export flag to the dependency on ModuleA here.

Create a Concept Instance

Directly (aka root node) or indirectly (aka child node) within ModelB inside ModuleB, we want to create an instance of ConceptA inside LanguageA.

  • To ModelB, add Used Language to LanguageA.
    Even if the IDE complains about the Used Language being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a Used Language from ModuleB to LanguageA.

Use an Intention

Make IntentionC defined in LanguageC for ConceptA inside LanguageA available in ModelB inside ModuleB.

  • To ModelB, add Used Language to LanguageC.
    Even if the IDE complains about the Used Language being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a Used Language from ModuleB to LanguageC.

Use a Type System Rule

Make TypesystemRuleC defined in LanguageC for ConceptA inside LanguageA available in ModelB inside ModuleB.

  • To ModelB, add Used Language to LanguageC.
    Even if the IDE complains about the Used Language being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a Used Language from ModuleB to LanguageC.

Use an Alternate Editor With a Hint

Make EditorC defined in LanguageC for ConceptA inside LanguageA using HintD defined in LanguageD available in ModelB inside ModuleB.

  • To ModelB, add Used Language to LanguageC.
    Even if the IDE complains about the Used Language being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a Used Language from ModuleB to LanguageC.

Make Sure That a Generator Is Executed for a Model

Make sure that GeneratorC defined in LanguageC for ConceptA inside LanguageA is executed for ModelB inside ModuleB.

  • To ModelB, add LanguageC to Languages engaged on generation.
  • To ModuleB, add Used Language to LanguageC.

Use node Type

ClassB inside ModelB inside ModuleB wants to create a variable of type node inside LanguageA.

  • To ModelB, add Dependency to LanguageA.structure. Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from ModuleB to LanguageA.

Call a Behavior Method

ClassB inside ModelB inside ModuleB wants to call behavior method opA inside ConceptA inside LanguageA.

  • To ModelB, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure.
    Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from ModuleB to LanguageA.

Note: We could also add a dependency from ModelB to LanguageA.behavior. However, as we need to depend on LanguageA.structure anyway (to be able to access the type), the preceding recipe presented is preferred.

Use a Concept as a Child or Reference

ConceptB inside LanguageB wants to have a child or reference of type ConceptA inside LanguageA.

  • To LanguageB.structure, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure.
    Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a Used Language from LanguageB to LanguageA.

Extend a Concept or Implement a ConceptInterface

ConceptB inside LanguageB wants to extend/implement ConceptA/ConceptInterfaceA inside LanguageA.

  • To LanguageB.structure, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure.
    Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from LanguageB to LanguageA.
  • Make sure the dependency from LanguageB to LanguageA has extends scope, either by setting it manually or by using the intention on the error appearing on ConceptB.

Create an Editor

LanguageB wants to define a new editor for EditorHintC defined in LanguageC for ConceptA inside LanguageA.

  • To LanguageB.editor, add a dependency to LanguageC.editor.
  • To LanguageB.editor, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure. Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from LanguageB to LanguageC.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from LanguageB to LanguageA.
  • Make sure the dependency from LanguageB*to *LanguageA has Extends Scope.

Create an Editor Component

LanguageB wants to define a new editor component for ConceptA inside LanguageA.

  • To LanguageB.editor, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure. Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from LanguageB to LanguageA.
  • Make sure the dependency from LanguageB*to *LanguageA has Extends Scope.

Use an Editor Component

LanguageB wants to use EditorComponentC defined in LanguageC for ConceptA inside LanguageA.

  • To LanguageB.editor, add a dependency to LanguageC.editor.
  • To LanguageB.editor, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure. Even if MPS complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from LanguageB to LanguageC.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from LanguageB to LanguageA.
  • Make sure the dependency from LanguageB*to *LanguageC has Extends Scope.

Create a Type System Rule

LanguageB wants to define a new type system rule for ConceptA inside LanguageA.

  • To LanguageB.typesystem, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure. Even if MPS complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from LanguageB to LanguageA.
  • Make sure the dependency from LanguageB*to *LanguageA has Extends Scope.

Note: The overrides flag in type system rules isn't related to dependencies. This flag specifies if type system rules of concepts extended by the applicable concept are evaluated.


  • ConceptX extends ConceptY extends ConceptZ
  • ConceptZ defines type system rule ConceptZTypeRule
  • ConceptY defines type system rule ConceptYTypeRule1[override=true] and ConceptYTypeRule2[override=false]
  • ConceptX defines type system rule ConceptXTypeRule[override=false]


  • For ConceptZ, the type system rule ConceptZTypeRule gets evaluated.
  • For ConceptY, type system rules ConceptYTypeRule1 and ConceptYTypeRule2 get evaluated.
    ConceptZTypeRule is not evaluated, as at least one rule for ConceptY defines:[override=true].
  • For ConceptX, type system rules ConceptYTypeRule1, ConceptYTypeRule2 and
    ConceptXTypeRule gets evaluated.
    ConceptYTypeRule1 and ConceptYTypeRule2 get included because no rule for ConceptX defines:[override=true].
    ConceptZTypeRule is not evaluated because the search for rules in extended Concepts stops at the first concept having at least one rule defining:[override=true].

Create an Intention

LanguageB wants to define a new intention for ConceptA inside LanguageA.

  • To LanguageB.intentions, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure. Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from LanguageB to LanguageA.

Create a Generator

Create Generator includes

  • creating new root mappings
  • creating new reduction rules
  • creating new switches

GeneratorB inside LanguageB wants to create a generator transforming ConceptA inside LanguageA into ConceptC inside LanguageC.

  • To GeneratorB.main@generator, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure.
  • To GeneratorB.main@generator, add Used Language to LanguageC. Even if the IDE complains about the dependency or used language being "out of scope," click ok.
  • Don't forget to sort your generator into the generation process by defining some mapping priorities ⧉.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from GeneratorB to LanguageA.
  • MPS automatically adds a Used Language from GeneratorB to GeneratorA.
  • If LanguageC defines a runtime solution: To LanguageB, add Extends Scope dependency to LanguageC.

Extend a Generator

Extend Generator includes

  • Making sure that another generator is always executed if this generator gets executed.
  • Creating new reduction rules to be used in another generator.
  • Creating a new switch entry for a switch in another generator.

GeneratorB inside LanguageB wants to extend GeneratorA inside LanguageA.
GeneratorA transforms ConceptC inside LanguageC into ConceptD inside LanguageD.
GeneratorB transforms ConceptE inside LanguageE into ConceptF inside LanguageF.

  • To GeneratorB.main@generator, add a dependency to GeneratorA.main@generator. Even if the IDE complains about the dependency being out of scope, click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from GeneratorB to GeneratorA.
  • Make sure the dependency from GeneratorB*to *GeneratorA has Extends Scope.

Generate a Java Class Extending a Base Class

GeneratorB inside LanguageB wants to transform ConceptA inside LanguageA into a ConceptAJavaClass extending ConceptAJavaClassBase inside ModelC inside SolutionC.

  • To #GeneratorB.main@generator, add a dependency to LanguageA.structure.
  • To #GeneratorB.main@generator, add a dependency to ModelC.
  • To #GeneratorB.main@generator, add Used Language to BaseLanguage. Even if the IDE complains about the dependency or Used Language being "out of scope," click ok.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from GeneratorB to LanguageA.
  • MPS automatically adds a dependency from GeneratorB to SolutionC.
  • MPS automatically adds a Used Language from GeneratorB to BaseLanguage.
  • To LanguageB, add Extends Scope dependency to BaseLanguage (because BaseLanguage defines a runtime solution).
  • To LanguageB, add a runtime solution to SolutionC.

Define a Runtime Solution

LanguageB wants to use SolutionA as a runtime solution.

  • To LanguageB, add a runtime solution to SolutionA.

Note: We don't need any other relation, specifically, no dependency from LanguageB to SolutionA.

Define an Accessories Model (AKA Make Concept Instances Available Everywhere a Language Is Used)

BuiltInNodeA, as an instance of BuiltInConcept inside LanguageA, should be available to be referenced anywhere LanguageA is a Used Language.

  • Create AccessoryModel as an aspect of LanguageA
  • To AccessoryModel, add Used Language to LanguageA.
  • Create BuiltInNodeA inside AccessoryModel.
  • To LanguageA, add an accessory Model to AccessoryModel (if not present already).

Note: We don't need any other relation, specifically, no dependency from LanguageA to AccessorySolution.

Create a Utility Model (AKA Create Complex Implementations for Behavior Methods or Generators)

complexBehavior() defined for ConceptA inside LanguageA needs ComplexBehaviorInternalJavaClass for its implementation, or GeneratorA inside LanguageA needs ComplexGeneratorInternalJavaClass for its execution (e.g., for a complex condition or macro).

  • Create BehaviorUtilityModel / GeneratorUtilityModel as a regular model within LanguageA.
  • To BehaviorUtilityModel / GeneratorUtilityModel, add Used Language to BaseLanguage.
  • Create ComplexBehaviorInternalJavaClass / ComplexBehaviorInternalJavaClass within BehaviorUtilityModel / GeneratorUtilityModel.
  • To LanguageA.behavior add dependency to BehaviorUtilityModel
  • To GeneratorA.main@generator add dependency to GeneratorUtilityModel
