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Build Folder

This page describes the build folder in the project's root folder of the different platforms. The folder contains files you check in Git, such as Gradle files, generated Ant build files, and other temporary files.

Some folders described in the IETS3 section appear at the root level in the other repositories. The guide describes them because they belong to the build process.

MPS Extensions¶ ⧉

  • The generated folder contains the generated build scripts, such as the scripts for building the languages and tests.
  • The mps folder contains the MPS installation. The task resolveMps ⧉ resolves the MPS dependency from the mps configuration and copies it to this folder which also serves as the mpsHomeDir.

mbeddr¶ ⧉

  • The com.mbeddr.allScripts contains the generated Ant script that includes all other build scripts. You check this file into version control.
  • The com.mbeddr.analyses.cbmc folder contains old shell scripts for building CBMC on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • The com.mbeddr.release folder contains a shell script for publishing mbeddr on GitHub.
  • The com.mbeddr folder contains the general build script (build.gradle) and all the build scripts for all subprojects.
  • The publishing folder contains a Gradle script for publishing mbeddr.
  • The thirdparty folder contains build scripts for third-party tools used by mbeddr (Graphviz ⧉).
  • The com.mbeddr.x folders contain the generated build scripts for building the languages and tests.

IETS3¶ ⧉

  • The artifacts folder contains the generated files of the Ant scripts. This folder includes the compiled MPS plugins, the build-all script and the plugin for the tests.
  • The config folder contains the IntelliJ IDEA configuration directory containing user-defined IDE settings, such as keymaps, color schemes, custom VM options, platform properties, etc. For MPS, only an empty SSl subfolder exists.
  • The dependencies folder contains the downloaded dependencies of the project. In this case, it includes the mbeddr platform ⧉ + MPS Extensions ⧉.
  • The distributions folder contains the generated artifacts of the languages and tests as zip folders.
  • The junitreport folder contains the results of the test execution as an HTML report (index.html).
  • The scripts folder contains the Ant scripts that the MPS build language generated. (TODO: Why is there a nested build folder?)
  • The system folder is the temporary system directory ⧉ for the test execution.
  • The tmp folder contains temporary files generated by the Java compiler.
  • The jbrDownload folder contains the downloaded JBR version used for the build. The downloadJbr ⧉ Gradle task comes from the mps-gradle-plugin ⧉.
