AI: Artificial Intelligence
API: Application Programming Interface
AST: Abstract Syntax Tree
ACK: Acknowledgment
BaseLanguage: a projectional clone of Java 6 (with optional extensions for Java 7 and 8)
CI: Continuous Integration
CD: Continuous Delivery
COW: Copy On Write
CBMC: Bounded Model Checker for C and C++ programs
DoD: Definition of Done
DoR: Definition of Ready
DOM: Document Object Model
DSL: Domain-Specific Language
EDT: Event Dispatch Thread
EP: Extension Point
ES: External System
FBI: File-Based Index
FO: Functional Owner
FJ: ForkJoin
GP: Generation Plan
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
HW: Hardware
IP: Internet Protocol
IDE: Integrated Development Environment
IETS3: Integrated Specification Environment for the Specification of Technical Software Systems
IoT: Internet of Things
JAR: Java Archive
JBR: JetBrains Runtime
JCEF: Java Chromium Embedded Framework
JDK: Java Development Kit
JPS: JetBrains Project System
JSON: Javascript Object Notation
JRE: Java Runtime Environment
JVM: Java Virtual Machine
LOP: Language-oriented Programming
LSP: Language Server Protocol
LVCS: Local History
LaF: Look and Feel
MBSE: Model-Based System Engineering
M2M: Model to Model
M2T: Model to Text
MDD: Model-Driven Development
MDSD: Model-Driven Software Development
MPS: Meta Programming System
MR: Merge Request
NDA: Non-Disclosure Agreement
NPE: NullPointerException
OS: Open Source / Operating System
PI: Product Increment
PM: Product Manager
PO: Product Owner
PR: Pull Request or Public Relations
PSI: Program Structure Interface
RPC: Remote Procedure Call
RCP: Rich Client Platform
RC: Run Configuration
REST: Representational State Transfer
SM: Scrum Master
SSH: Secure Shell
SSL: Secure Socket Layer
SSO: Single Sign-On
SNode: Semantic Node
SRepository: Semantic Repository
SSH: Secure Shell
SSR: Structural Search and Replace
SW: Software
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
TMC: Template Mapping Configuration
UAST: Unified Abstract Syntax Tree
UDP: User Datagram Protocol
UI: User Interface
UML: Unified Markup Language
UUID: Universally Unique Identifier
UX: User Experience
VCS: Version Control System
VFS: Virtual File System
VF: Virtual File
VI: Virtual Interface
VM: Virtual Machine
VU: virtual environment (virtuelles Umfeld)
WIP: Work in progress