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Cell Layout

This page is an addition to Cell Layout | MPS-extensions. Editor development ⧉ explains some terminology of this page, so please read it first. Additionally, when the variable or argument doesn't have a type in a diagram, it is assumed to be int. Methods without a return type have a type of void.

In the MPS layout algorithms, the children decide their width and height, and the parent cell can only arrange the already laid-out children. The algorithms from the cell layout language are similar to the ones from the Java Swing layout managers. The parent asks the child for its min/max/preferred size, but the parent decides about the child's size, and the child has to fit into these bounds. The table and diagram language uses this language, but the language de.itemis.mps.celllayout also defines some styles. The Java MigLayout ⧉ was partially an inspiration for this language.

Box Model

The box model defines how you model the editor elements in the cell layout language. It is like a simplified version of the CSS box model ⧉.

Layout Box

A layout box has a position (x,y) and a dimension (width, height). A Bounds ⧉ object can save these properties together, which also has methods for checking if other bounds or points would fit into it.


Change the size with the growN methods and the position with the move methods. All of those methods take relative values. Add a listener to listen to changes in the mentioned properties. The default implementation is DefaultLayoutBox which extends AbstractlayoutBox ⧉. Whenever you call a setter method, the corresponding method of the listener is triggered. The language calculates the ascent by subtracting the descent from the height.


A LayoutBoxFrame ⧉ is a box that has a frame around an inner box:


Setting the frame size sets it for all sides (left, right, bottom, top).


AbstractLayoutBoxFrame ⧉ extends this class. The position equals the inner box's position minus the frame size and the inner box's dimension plus the frame size. The default implementation is DefaultLayoutBoxFrame ⧉. It contains a layout box with the frame size split into left, right, bottom, and top.

CalcOnWriteFrame ⧉ is a layout box frame that contains an inner and result layout box. The position and dimension are returned from the result box while the same setter methods set the properties of the inner box. When the inner box changes, the listener propagates those changes to the result box. When you modify the left/right/bottom or top size, the property of the result box changes by a delta.


A BoxModel ⧉ consists of four boxes. The innermost box contains the content; the outermost box is the margin.


The default implementation is DefaultBoxModel which EditorCellBoxModel ⧉ uses.


The corresponding cell's user object stores this box model under the key EditorCellBoxModel. Besides the mentioned boxes, it has a box for additional padding and a bracket box for when the cell has enabled the stylesheet item drawBrackets. The brackets have a width of 7 pixels.



The read synchronization method initializes the boxes based on the information from the editor cell. The padding equals the gap minus the additional padding. If the padding is negative, it acts as additional padding; otherwise, it is part of the padding box. If the dimension is less than the total frame size of the bracket box, the additional padding is set to 0. The dimension is the maximum of the current dimension and the total frame size of the bracket box. The default behavior of MPS is not to reserve any space for the border and let it overlap. Therefore, the position equals the border size minus 1. The write synchronization method sets the left and right gaps. They equal the padding plus the additional padding. Depending on the useMove flag, the cells are then moved, or only the position is set.


The immutable class Size ⧉ has methods for supporting unlimited sizes, which are just large numbers that are larger than every practically used size. This approach reduces the potential for overflow errors. Use the limitedX for limiting either the width or height. The deriveN methods change the width or height separately.


ILayouter ⧉ has a layout method and a method to move the children of a layoutable container by a delta.


All the size methods and the ascent calculation method take a container as the first parameter and a size constraint as a second parameter to restrict the returned size. toText() returns a string when copying the cells to the system clipboard. usesPunctuation() determines if you use punctuation stylesheet items. The class AbstractLayout ⧉ extends this interface. It has a method for checking and returning the gap in pixels between two ILayoutables. There is no gap if the left ILayoutable has the stylesheet item punctuation-right or the right item punctuation-left enabled. If one of the two ILayoutables has a border on the conjoined side, there is also no gap.



ILayoutable ⧉ inherits some methods of LayoutBox, and some of ILayouter. The main method relayout calculates an editor cell's new position and dimension. Additionally, the interface has methods for the special celllayout properties such as growX and column-span, and methods for checking and setting the changed flag. In AbstractLayoutable, all those properties are set to false, and the column and row spans are set to 1 by default.

The ILayoutableContainer ⧉ inherits from ILayoutable and has a layouter and children:


There are innerX methods for getting the position and dimension, as well as a method for setting the inner bounds. There is also support for the flatten-grid and base-line-child properties.


A Grid is a 2D structure with GridElement ⧉s and has a dimension. Internally a 1D array is used to store the elements.

Extending and Scaling

Each row has an ascent and descent, and all columns can have different widths. The column's width is extendable. It stays the same if the new with is smaller than the existing width. It can also extend to an unlimited size. The row's height is extendable by providing a new ascent and descent. The sum of both values has to be greater than zero. When the old values are greater, nothing changes. The contained cells of the grid are extendable by providing a size getter that determines a new size for each ILayoutable.

The widths are scaleable by providing new values and weights for the columns. The widths of the columns are percentages of the new width based on the weights (possible rounding errors are compensated). The same scaling method exists for the height: it works the same way, except that the ascents and descents of the rows are recalculated. The provided weights don't have to add up to 1 as they are automatically normalized.

Example calculation
float availableWidth=500;
float newColumnWidths=[2,2,1];
// calculation:
float[] weighths= [0.4,0.4,0.2];
float[] newColumnSizes=[200,200,100];

The method applyLayout(x, y) takes a position as an argument and sets new bounds for the individual valid elements of the grid. An element is valid when it has a ILayoutable.

float element.baseLine = y + element.y + ascent(row[y]);
float element.x = x + element.x;
float element.y = element.baseLine - element.ascent;

When you set the alignment center or alignment right property is set, the x position is changed accordingly based on the remaining space. The position is equal to the size of the elements minus the result size, which is calculated in the following way: the minimum size of the elements and the preferred size is calculated, then the minimum of this size and the maximum size. If the overflowN property is set, the corresponding size direction will be set to unlimited.

The main method of the grid is growElement which takes a grid element, an offset, and the two directions as arguments. If the elements' dimension is lower than the maximum size of the ILayoutable, the ILayoutable's dimension becomes the element's dimension. Otherwise, the additional padding of the layout's box model grows the element. For horizontal growing, the alignment is taken into account.

A GridElement ⧉ has a ILayoutable and different extendN methods: extendSize works by changing the ascent of the ILayoutable. The descent equals the height minus the ascent. There are other methods for extending the width and extending the columns.

Standard Layouts

The language provides default implementations for the standard MPS layouts:

ICellLayoutWrapper can wrap an existing cell layout. Unwrap it by calling CellLayout.unwrapAll. IEditorCellBasedLayoutable ⧉ extends ILayoutable and contains an editor cell, a method to check if an indent is present, and a readSyncAll and writeSyncAll method. ISupportsTopDownLayout ⧉ is an editor cell that has a top-down layoutable (IEditorCellBasedLayoutable).

This class uses the class DynamicGrid ⧉ to store the grid. DynamidGrid stores the elements in a 1D array and automatically grows the array when the grid size changes. This layout respects the grid and row span properties and automatically adjusts the spans when the value is negative. The new values become the maximum number of available spans. It also has a method to load a sub-grid into a DynamicGrid. The grid elements come from an ILayoutableContainer ⧉.


An ILayoutable is intermediate if

  • it has a horizontal layout, and the parent is a grid layout
  • it has a grid layout, horizontal or vertical layout, and you've set the flatten-grid stylesheet item.

This method plays a role in the flattening of the grid. When using this item, all ancestor elements of the grid that have this property enabled are placed directly in the main grid and are not sub-grids. In the following example, all children enable this property:




The EditorListenerCellProvider class has a reference to a node and creates a new EditorListenerCell ⧉. This class can forward two events of the editor to the provider: onEditorloaded and onEditorUnloaded. This cell is not visible in the editor.


AbstractLayoutableAdapter ⧉ has a parent LayoutableCollectionAdapter and handles reading all cell layout-specific stylesheet items (readSyncAll). All items are cached. The writing of the items (writeSyncAll) is forwarded to the box model. It also contains an editor cell box model. All setter and getter work with the margin box of this box model. The only special implementations are the size methods: the preferred size is the size of the box model's margin box. The maximum and minimum sizes are equivalent to the preferred size.


BorderPainter is an AbstractAdditionalPainter ⧉ that gets the information from the border box of the editor cell's box model. There is support for border thickness and color for each side of the box. The editor paints the border only when the specified rectangular area intersects with the current clipping area of the graphics object. The border's position and dimension get changed because there is one pixel less reserved than required for the border. Paint requests are added to a queue which is then processed in order of thickness and brightness (light gray is the default color and has the lowest priority). In the following example, the painter was enabled for all editor cells:

celllayout: border painter in action


LayoutableAdapter extends AbstractLayoutableAdapter ⧉.

It forwards writeSync to the box model and calls relayout on the cell if a relayout was requested. In the method readSync, relayout is requested if you've set one of the growN properties. Then the relayout method is called.


When the expected bounds are not equal to the actual bounds, a relayout is requested, or the cell is marked as changed, the cell is relaid out again. The size method takes a width and height, calculates the delta for the old dimension compared to the new dimension, and assigns it to the additional padding box of the box model. The horizontal alignment is also taken into account.

The preferred and minimum sizes are equal to the dimension of the box model's padding minus the additional padding. The maximum size is equal to the preferred size unless the cell is an Editor_Label ⧉ or you've set one of the grow stylesheet items: in those cases, the width or the height, or both can be unlimited.


The LayoutableAdapters ⧉ class manages adapters. In the method createAdapter, it returns the TopDownLayoutable for editor cells that support laying out in a top-down manner, creates a LayoutableCollectionAdapter for the layouter of the cell and the cell itself, or creates a new LayoutableAdapter for the cell instead. The method getAdapter calls this method if there is no existing adapter or receives it from the user object of the cell with the key LayoutableAdapter.


LayoutableCollectionAdapter ⧉ is a layout adapter for collections that supports the pushN stylesheet items and grid-layout-flatten. It caches the calculated inner sizes and ascents and also has a method to return a list of children of type ILayoutable.

The relayout method calculates the layout bounds based on a size constraint and the current position. If the position or dimension has changed in compared to the last calculation

  • relayout is called if the size has changed.
  • moveChildren is called when the position has changed.

When one of those two events has occurred but no layouter is present, relayout is called. The getLayouter method returns a suitable ILayouter based on the existing layout, for example, HorizontalLayout for CellLayout_Horizontal. If the cell or any of its superclasses overwrites the method relayoutImpl, null is returned.

The inner position and dimension methods are based on the box model's content box. The total gap is the content's position minus the margin's position. To switch between the outer and inner sizes, use the the methods toInnerSize and toOuterSize. The ascent equals the children's ascent plus the total gap at the top. When the different sizes, like maximum, minimum, and preferred size, are calculated, the values are first looked up in the cache. If no value can be found, the sizes are guessed from the cached values: if the size was already smaller for a more strict constraint, that value is used. If there is still no value returned, the value is calculated.


LayoutEngine ⧉ is the main entry point for laying out editor components, the root cell, single cells, or a subtree of a cell. layoutSubtree requires the cell itself and a function that sets the bounds of the ILayoutable. For a normal cell, the size is calculated as the desired dimension constraint by the minimum and maximum size of the ILayoutable. For the root cell, the calculation is different: The preferred width is the x position of the cell minus the text width settings of the editor + the hardcoded 15-pixel left margin or the unlimited width if it is bigger. The preferred width of the root layoutable constraint then calculates the preferred size.

layoutSubtreeUnsafe reads all the necessary information from the processed cell, preprocesses the layoutables (e.g., setting margin and padding), lays out the cell again, sets all margins, and writes back the calculated result to the editor cell. Ultimately, the position and dimensions are fixed for editor cell collections based on the overflow stylesheet items, and the request layout flags set in previous steps are cleared. All those methods are invoked inside a watchdog that stops the layout process after a certain time if no stable layout can be found.


LayoutInterceptor ⧉ replaces the cell layout of cells that use stylesheet items of the cell layout language with a custom layout from this language. The interceptor is installed in the project plugin ⧉ through different methods: as an editor update listener, an additional painter, and an editor component creation listener.
