KernelF Tour

The following pages give a tour of the language feature of KernelF. The tour is separated info basic and advanced languages. The separation is not equivalent to the devkits which all have the prefix org.iets3.core.expr.:

  • core.devkit: core expressions + interpreters
  • advanced.devkit: core expressions + interpreters
  • stateful.devkit: stateful expressions + interpreters
  • genjava.core.devkit: java generation of core expressions
  • genjava.advanced.devkit: java generation of advanced expressions
  • genjava.stateMachineExample.devkit: java generation of state machine example
  • genall.core.devkit: all core generation devkits
  • genall.advanced.devkit: all advanced generation devkits
  • org.iets3.req: requirements

The tour shows the interpreter outputs but doesn't dive into the Java generator languages (org.iets3.core.expr.genjava) on purpose. To use the mentioned languages, use either the core or advanced devkit. If you want to generate Java code, use the genall.core or genall.advanced devkit.

You can find the corresponding MPS project in this GitHub repository. It needs to be opened with JetBrains MPS 2023.2 and a corresponding version of IETS3.opensource.

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