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Java Design Patterns in the MPS Sources

This page lists three examples or less per Java design pattern ⧉ in the MPS source code. The headers link to explanations and demos for the corresponding design patterns in the Java world.

Creational Patterns

Abstract Factory¶ ⧉

Builder¶ ⧉

Factory Method¶ ⧉

Prototype¶ ⧉

Singleton¶ ⧉

Structural Patterns

Adapter¶ ⧉

Bridge¶ ⧉

Composite¶ ⧉

Decorator¶ ⧉

Facade¶ ⧉

Flyweight¶ ⧉

Proxy¶ ⧉

Behavioral Patterns

Chain of Responsibility¶ ⧉

Iterator¶ ⧉

Memento¶ ⧉

State¶ ⧉

Template Method¶ ⧉

Command¶ ⧉

Mediator¶ ⧉

Observer¶ ⧉

Strategy¶ ⧉

Visitor¶ ⧉
