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Reference: Named threads

These lists contain named threads from Java, the IntelliJ platform, and MPS.

Java Threads

IntelliJ Platform Threads

MPS Threads

  • Highlighter: performs model checks in update sessions and updates the editor. Checking rules are run, for example, inside this thread (Highlighter ⧉).
  • HighlightUsages: highlights references to the node at the cursor position in the editor (HighlightUsagesSupport ⧉).
  • CompletionHelper: automatically opens the code completion menu that was introduced in MPS 2021.2 (CompletionHelper ⧉).
  • MPS EDT Executor: invokes read/write/command task asynchronously on the EDT thread (EDTExecutorInternal ⧉).
  • MPS interrupting thread: augments the IDEA Platform write action with functionality essential for MPS ().
  • ChangesManager command queue: queue for tasks of the VCS changes manager (CurrentDifferenceRegistry ⧉)
  • Intentions: Shows or hides intentions
  • MPS Make Thread: Thread that executes a make task (MakeTask ⧉)
  • generation-thread: generator thread (GenerationTaskPool ⧉)
  • TextGen-thread: text generator thread (TextGeneratorEngine ⧉)

Other Threads
