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Deprecated languages and solutions

Some deprecated languages that were removed in the platform in MPS 2022.2 can be found in this PR.

Code Completion Menu


This language isn't used anymore and is disabled.

This language added support for customizing the code completion menu with tabs and a special tab for creating reference targets. The contributions were made in a plugin solution by creating a CCMenuExtensions ⧉ root node.

HTTP Support


This was the old HTTP support plugin. Please use the language jetbrains.mps.ide.httpsupport instead.

Icon Char


This language was used to programmatically create icons but is deprecated. Please use the official Icon description ⧉ language instead.



This plugin contains old fixes for rebuilding models/modules and projects that are already included in MPS. The plugin will be removed soon.


This language might be removed in the future.


The idea behind this language was to store text translations in properties files and load the through the Java ResourceBundle ⧉ class. The documentation for the language can be found here as a PDF and is located in the virtual package

Var Scope


This language used to provide the interfaces IScopeElement and IScopeProvider to provide scopes for nodes but is now deprecated. Please use the official scopes ⧉ instead.

Last update: July 11, 2023
